Return Policy Page

Return Policy


In line with our objective of FIRST-CLASS SHOPPING EXPERIENCE for BUYERS on NOWNOWSHOP, we have provided the following Return Policy to govern the circumstances under which buyers can be refunded:

We allow 7 days returns for products bought from NowNowshop or vendors and 30 days for products bought from overseas vendors following the fulfilment/delivery of the items(s).

In order for a purchase to qualify for a refund, there must be evidence of defective/damaged item(s) on delivery not after delivery. Although almost impossible because of our Vendors vetting process and product sourcing policy, should there be inferior quality item(s) delivered, compared to the standard you were informed on our platform (eg; item(s) labelled made in Italy or USA when the quality proves it is of very inferior quality made in less regulated Countries, other than the one claimed.)


Non-Receipt/Undelivered Goods.

To request a refund, simply fill the refund request form by clicking here